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    In partnership with Williams Medical
Calling 01685 843676

Instant Cotinine Testing Kit x1

ID:D1069 , COTC100
Pack size

This CE marked kit offers an easy-to-use cassette-type test for the presence of cotanine in urine.

Testing involves depositing three drops of urine from the supplied pipette into the sample well.

This test is considered a more hygienic approach to conducting drug testing; by using the included pipette, a small urine sample is pipetted into the sample well removing exposure to the sample. The results are provided in the test window from 60 seconds.

SureScreen are certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 to ensure the devices are manufactured and distributed with a quality-focussed approach, and this drug test cassette is CE Marked in accordance with 98/79/EC.


•Better than 99% accurate
•Rapid results
•Supplied complete with pipette
